Friday, May 23, 2008

Jack Jack Attack

Mark is five months as of today. I can't believe it, I told Ethan and he didn't believe me until he did the math. He has been a great baby. Pretty much everyone that has a chance to play with him tell me that he is an extremely happy child. I agree with them. He loves to smile and play with his feet. Sara, my sister-in-law has a newborn that is three months younger and has had colic. We have been blessed with any easy child.

Last Sunday, Ethan was playing with Mark's hair, giving him a little mohawk. The mohawk, his constant smiling, and drooling, he looks like a human version of Jack Jack from the movie "The Incredibles". I just have to hope that if he does have super hero powers of turning his body into flaming balls of lead, he'll only do it when someone is trying to kidnap him.

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