Tuesday, December 1, 2009


When Mark was about three months old we got pro. pictures done of him in his blessing suit, and decided that we would splurge with the speciality pictures, like that with each of the kids. Well due to Lyssa's fast growth, she was weighted at 13.5 lbs today(10 weeks now), we knew we need to get them done soon, otherwise she wasn't going to fit her dress anymore. She is a cubby one. Mom was going to get pictures done with the boys(Alan leaves in a week) at Sears, and I had gotten some good coupons to do pictures with, so I went with them to get Lyssa's done. First outfit, sitting up, she did just fine, got some smiley ones. Then they put her on her stomach. Anyone know of a baby that truly likes being on their stomach at this age? She didn't smile again the rest of the time. I felt so bad for the guy, he was trying every which way to get her to smile. His lips had to be sore. Making all the sounds and everything. We finally gave up. She has a beautiful smile and does smile often, I don't know why she wouldn't today. Once I have access to the stuff online, I will post.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

yeah! I want to see pictures! It seems like as soon as the professional camera comes out all reason flies out the window with kids! haha