Monday, September 29, 2008


Over the last couple of days, we have been moving stuff into a storage unit and to my mother's. The closing of the house is currently set for Oct. 27, and our lease was up Sept. 30. Pretty much anything besides clothes, and our electronics, everything is in a 10 x 15 room in the middle of nowhere.

Friday night, Ethan pulled out our Wii and was playing a game with Alan. After he was done, Alan continued to play and then everyone was in bed. Saturday morning we were busy. Ethan, Alan and I were getting the piano moved, then dropping Alan off at stage crew and Ethan went to work for some training thing. I went home and crashed. After Ethan got home from work, he went to play the Wii and he couldn't find it. It had been on the top of the TV stand, but it was no longer there. He came down thinking I may have move it for some reason. After asking me, Mom, and Alan, and looking all over, we realized, it was stolen.

We called the police and reported it, they sent an officer over. Officer Kuss walked around the place and informed us that two cars had their stereos stolen during the night one street over. That made me think that they just saw Ethan and Alan playing and made a pit stop after they were done. Due to confusion between mom and me, the front door was unlocked, she had asked me to lock the doors on my way to the basement and I figured she had already locked the front door. She was pretty sure that she had locked the patio door as well, but we discovered the sensor lights were unscrewed. The Wii system, our bag carrying the remotes, battery charger, Mario Kart, two steering wheels, Starwars Unleashed, my Wii fit program and the Wii sport are all gone. The balance board for the Wii fit is still here, I figure they didn't see it. But the board is rather useless at the moment. They did leave the stand for the Wii, and the officer took it hoping to get some prints off it.

This just ticks me off. Someone else was saying about how my sanctuary been violated and frankly I don't feel that way at all. I mean, I know my Mom feels that way, but its not my home, so I really don't feel violated. I am ticked that they took my things! There is nothing else missing, which is why we didn't notice it right away. Where as I am glad nothing else is missing and that we are all safe but still.

Mark had his 9 month appt. last Tuesday. I swear, they can't measure. The first time they measured, it looked like he had shrunk. They did it again and measured him at 26 1/2 inches and 17lbs and 4 oz and his head was46 cm. When we got home, Ethan and Sara measured him and came up with 28 1/2 inches, I measured him yesterday and got him at 27 3/4. So I know he is not that small. They were concerned with his weight and told me to start supplementing formula for the next 6 weeks to determine if it is just genetics or if there is something wrong. I am bound and determine to show them that nothing is wrong and they just can't measure. He didn't get any shots, he had an ear infection and I refuse to let them do shots while he is sick. He was due up for the follow up shots for the Hib Vaccine. But he'll get it later. Other than that, they were impressed with his cruising skills and his babbling. He is growing so fast. Maybe not in height and weight wise, but he is smart.


Nia said...

EW!!! I'm so sorry! That's WAY not cool. I hope they find the idiots and you get ALL your stuff back in ONE piece!

Chris, Deb and the Ava Jayne said...

Simon-my maiden name
Heiner-Chris's middle name--and his moms' maiden name
Cope-our last name :)

also, my little brother threatened to name his first son SIMON SIMON i had to save my future nephew from a really weird triple name