Friday, January 30, 2009

Bath time

I love taking baths. I love the warm water and just relaxing with a good book. Well, Mark likes baths too. If he is awake when I am taking one, chances are he is with me. He is at the stage of throwing things in and out of the bathtub, whether or not there is water. He loves just playing in the bathroom in general.

Tonight, he had just woken up from a nap, when I was getting ready to get in. So normal procedure consist of waiting until the water has stopped running, before removing his diaper, otherwise I spend the next 10 minutes cleaning up his pee. I like my bath water hot, so I normally get in before I let him in, making sure it is a suitable temp. for Mark. Normally, I mean normally, he is jumping in excitement, holding on to the edge of the tub waiting to get in. Tonight was not so. I get in and turn around to grab him, and all I see is his naked butt waddling out, holding onto his blanket. I figured he would be back in two seconds. Not so. He heads to my room, then comes back enough for him to be in view. I smile at him and encourage him to come in. He gives his shriek giggle that he has, and runs away back to my room. Comes back again, 3 seconds later, makes it to the doorway this time, I smile, he giggles and runs away. He is still naked mind you. So I am getting concern about him being completely able to pee at his own freewill. I have attempted to get of the tub to get him each time, but everytime I do, he starts heading back. This senario repeats another three times, each time getting a little closer. I finally trick him with a toy, getting him close enough that I don't have to get out of the tub. (I really hate getting out of the tub once I am in.)

This whole evening made me laugh. I love that he is walking and is being a normal little boy. He has, in my biased opinion, the cutest smile and laugh, that will almost get him out of any trouble. I pity others who aren't able to understand the joy of a little child.

1 comment:

Kate said...

kids are so sweet. this story is a prime example of that.