Monday, June 8, 2009

Lack of sleep...

Being 27 weeks preggers has started to make sleeping a little harder. It is to be expected, and I am doing what I can to stay asleep, you know, using the extra pillow, not drinking an hour or two before bed, stuff like that.

What I didn't count on being a problem was Blackjack. He has decided that our bed is his bed too. Despite the multiple toss off the bed, he still doesn't seem to catch on. I don't have a door for my room, due to really weird size doors that were in there originally, that had to be ripped out when we were doing dry wall. Plus that door didn't actually shut either. Baby gates he finds an amusing toy, and after seeing his height for jumping, it would take about two seconds for him to be done with a solid babygate.

I am a firm believer that animals do not share the beds with their owners. Plus I do have a small allergy to cats and where as I am getting more immune to him everyday, I don't really want him behind my head cuddling with my pillow, which he attempted to many a times last night. Plus with the new babe coming, I know she will spend a lot of time in my bed. New baby and cats don't always mix. Sometimes they do, but seeing as I don't know what he will be like with the baby, I don't want to take a chance. Grrr....

I have tried locking him into rooms for the night, and every room that has been tried with, Blackjack has successfully escaped from, how, I don't have a clue. I keep waking up during the night to find him on my bed. I love the cat, but sleeping is getting annoying.

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